
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Three is a Magic Number!

Happy May Day! Hope that all of you are connecting in some way with the magic of spring outside your window- flowers blooming, butterflies floating by, so much vibrant green. It seems a perfect day for announcing the winner of the first giveaway here at bloodsugarwitch. Don't you think so? Poetry and flowers go very well together! First of all, a huge thank you to Susan Wooldridge, the author of poemcrazy, for kindly commenting on my post. It made my day! (Be sure to check it out here)! 

Originally, I said I would have a random drawing to decide the lucky recipient of the book poemcrazy: freeing your life with words, BUT I changed my mind! Instead, since this is my first attempt at a giveaway post, and because the women who left comments are so creatively inspiring to me, I am announcing THREE WINNERS- Tracy, Lis, and Mel! Thank you for your lovely words and support. (Please email your address to Or if you would prefer the kindle version of poemcrazy that can be arranged. Just let me know in your email). Yeah poetry! 

        Poetry takes us places we might never have imagined we could go -Susan Wooldridge 


  1. Were your ears ringing today? Because I was thinking of you all day as we moved through our May Day celebration. Yesterday was the first farmer's market so we bought a rosemary, sage and geranium for pots; today we planted morning glory, cat mint and lavender hyssop seeds (all inside as it is still cold at night) and then we went back to our fairy circle and reassembled the stones that had gotten buried under bark mulch. We said a little blessing (asking for extra protection through the upcoming tornado season!) and then noticed how nicely Frida is blooming. (Her ashes are under a flowering crab tree, so that is Frida) Then we noted Bandit's tree needs a fairy circle (new summer project) and had carrot soup, salad and good cheese for dinner. And brownies :)

    You are so sweet to reward three of us! And my 2 favorite people! (We all met in Deep.) It is so lovely having you out here in the blog o'sphere ... although I am greedy and wish you were in town as well.

    Stunning pictures! Oh, and I am thinking about this course called Feral Writing, although it is pricey, it sounds really good:

    Sending fairy dust your way! Moose sends his love.

    xo Lis

  2. oh my gosh i am in such good company!!!! angela, you are a loving generous soul! i am so lucky!!! :o) woo hoo!!!!

    lis, what a gorgeous day!

    so so so so so so tickled to have connected angela!!! were you going to tribal fest? I thought i might be able to make it after all... but still weighing my options (it might be a very busy weekend if i try to squeeze it in)

    hugs and love!!!!

  3. *squeeeeee* how did i miss this??!?!? JOY!! {secretly thrilled that you entered me in the draw even though i said not to}

    AND to win alongside Tracy and Lis....*gleeeee*

    okay...going to email you now....:D
